

Tip #1:

Purchase desserts and snacks in single serving packages. This makes it easier to control serving portions and be more aware of actual food intake. If you are on a budget, single serving packages or 100 calorie packages are now available at many 99 cent stores.

Tip #2:

Learn to arrange your food artfully on the plate. You may be satisfied with less food when your meal looks attractive.

Tip #3:

Try to eat slowly and be more conscious of each bite. You may learn to savour a smaller portion.

Tip #4:

Diet in increments. Set a goal for a certain percentage of your body weight, such as 5% - 10%. When you reach a goal, try to maintain the weight for one or two weeks before resuming your diet. You will start to learn skills necessary for maintenance once your ideal weight is reached. This will also give you a chance to try a reasonable serving of a few of the foods you have been craving during your diet.

Tip #5:

Strawberries or dark berries are a delicious source of antioxidants. However many of us grew up sprinkling sugar over berries rather than enjoying their natural fruit flavor. The next time you eat these wonderful fruits, especially at the peak of the season, try a bowl without the added sugar. It may take a few tries before you learn to enjoy the natural flavor without sugar, but it is well worth it.

Tip #6:

If you have a comfort food that is unhealthy, try to exchange a healthier snack or meal as your new comfort food. Studies have shown that in stressful situations, people often unconsiously fall back on a comfort food to relieve stress. If you have young children, remember that they will probably fall back onto a comfort food as adults. Encourage children to rely on other activities rather than eating as stress relievers, or at least offer something healthy as comfort, such as milk and an apple.

Tip #7:

If allowed by your health care provider, start an exercise program. If you are just starting, or you are an older adult, or you are unable to exercise standing up, you can start by stretching your upper body while seated in a chair. Many yoga exercises can be adjusted to be performed from a seated position.

Tip #8:

Although some oils contain "good" cholesterol versus "bad" cholesterol, the calorie count is practically identical. Don't be fooled into thinking that because you are cooking with Olive Oil that you are saving calories. Always follow the advice of your health care provider, but the USDA food pyramid is a good source of information for balancing different food types.

Tip #9:

Studies have shown that, all things being equal, organic and non-organic foods contain the same vitamin levels. However eating organic food may have other health benefits due to the lack of pesticides and other chemicals. Food that is grown closer to your grocery market may be fresher and contain more vitamins than food that is shipped over long distances.

Tip #10:

Exercise may be good for the soul as well as your diet. Studies have shown that exercise may help individuals that suffer from depression, although the reason for this is not fully known. Remember to always check with your health care provider before starting an exercise program.

Tip #11:

When eating packaged foods, such as chips or crackers, place the portion in a bowl or on a plate before eating. If you eat straight from the bag or box, it is difficult to judge when you have eaten enough.

Tip #12:

Many restaurants now have nutrition and calorie information available on their own websites. Before eating out, check online and select different food options that fit your calorie budget.

Tip #13:

When starting a diet, plan it like any important project. Set a realistic goal, plan a strategy, and set milestones. There are many online resources, such as MyPyramid from the USDA.

Tip #14:

Be "Choosy". A key to successful dieting is to think before you eat. Always consider if what you are about to eat is worth using up a portion of your daily food intake.

Tip #15:

Try to include some protein in every meal or snack. This will keep you from getting hungry right away. Healthy, light snacking can even help you lose weight. Read Nutrition 101 for more detailed information.

Tip #16:

3 great reasons to lose weight:
Clothes are easier to shop for
To stay healthy for your children or other loved ones
An accomplishment to be proud of

Tip #17:

Eat colorfully:
A plate of food with a variety of colors and different textures may be more satisfying, reduce boredom with your diet, and may help you stick with your diet longer. It is also a simple way to ensure you are eating foods with a variety of nutrients.
For example dark green leafy vegetables are rich in vitamins A, C, and K, folate, iron and calcium, as well as a good source of fiber.
Yellow or orange vegetables such as butternut squash, yellow squash, corn, and sweet potatoes are rich in vitamins C, Niacin, B1, B2, and potassium.
These fruits and vegies are rich in antioxidants - Prunes, Raisins, Blueberries, Blackberries, Kale, Spinach, and Brussels Sprouts.

Tip #18:

Drink a glass of water 10 - 20 minutes before each meal. This will make you feel a little full and may help cut down on how much you eat during the meal.

Tip #19:

If you have hit a diet plateau where you are no longer losing weight, take a break for several weeks. When you restart your diet, for the first week at least, keep track of all the calories you are consuming using a calculator such as those found on Calorie Count or Calories Per Hour. This will help you get back on track, invigorate you, and ensure you are being honest about your intake.

Tip #20:

As you get older it gets more difficult to lose weight eithout exercise. Before you start any exercise program, check with your health care provider. Exercise does not require any special equipment or gym membership. It may be as simple as going for a walk every day, stretching, and doing warm-up exercises at home.

Tip #21:

Unless you have a medical reason to weigh yourself more often, weigh yourself at regular intervals, such as once a week. Your weight normally fluctuates throughout the day and weighing too often may actually hinder your progress.

Tip #22:

Eating the equivalent of 115 fewer calories per day will allow you to lose one pound per month. On the other hand, it only takes an extra 115 calories a day to gain it back.

Tip #23:

Support can be very important during a weight loss program. It can be difficult to lose or maintain weight if you do not have the support of family and friends. There are many support groups available online. Seek out a support group that you are comfortable with. If you need a place to start, try searching for "weight loss support group" in your favorite search engine.

Tip #24:

Do your homework when choosing low carbohydrate products at the grocery store. In order to meet the taste criteria of the public, some of these products have added extra fat. The recommended total fat intake for adults is between 20 and 35 percent of calories, according to the most recent approved Dietary Guidelines for Americans from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Tip #25:

Try to include some protein in every meal or snack. This will help you from getting hungry as quickly.

Tip #26:

Although some studies suggest that adding more dairy products to your diet will help you lose weight, other studies have not confirmed this. Some studies suggest that this may be due to other factors such as drinking more milk causes people to drink fewer sugary soda drinks.

Tip #27:

Make sure you get enough sleep. Although it might seem like sleeping less should allow you lose weight by burning more calories, it appears to be more complicated. Getting enough sleep at night, 7 - 9 hours, can actually help you lose weight. This may be due to other hormonal changes related to sleep.

Tip #28:

Add some spice. Adding spice, such as freshly ground pepper, adds zest to a meal. Keeping your meal interesting may help you eat less.

Tip #29:

Start a meal with the lower calorie foods such as green vegetables, salads, non-creamy soups, etc. This may help you eat less of the higher calories items. Bag what you do not eat for a later meal.

Tip #30:

Many fruit juices are higher in calories than their fresh fruit counterparts and have as many calories as soda.

Tip #31:

You don't need to sacrifice by cutting out all the foods you love. The secret is just to eat less of your favorite high calorie foods. However, many of us have one or two "trigger" foods that are difficult to stop eating after the first bite. Avoid these trigger foods and eat smaller amounts of your other favorites on special occasions.

Tip #32:

Even small changes in your eating habits can result in weight loss or maintaining your current weight.

Tip #33:

Going to dinner party or holiday meal?
Bring along a healthy snack to share. For the main meal, mainly eat the lower calorie foods and try smaller portions of the foods with a higher calorie count. The next day you can resume your diet.

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